Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems
and Operations Managmement
Tilburg University
My work is published in leading journals, including MIS Quarterly, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Journal of Business Ethics. It has also been presented at premier conferences across information systems and marketing, such as ICIS, SCECR, WISE, and the Marketing Science Conference.
I have received funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Joachim Herz Foundation, and Wikimedia Deutschland. In 2023, I received the Best Associate Editor Award at ECIS.
Behavior Toward Newcomers and Contributions to Online Communities
Florian Pethig, Hartmut Hoehle, Kai-Lung Hui, and Andreas Lanz
MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
[Online Appendix] – [Replication]
Biased Humans, (Un)Biased Algorithms?
Florian Pethig and Julia Kroenung
Journal of Business Ethics, 2023.
[PDF] – [Replication]
Media: [Psychology Today] [Forbes France] Blog: [The Gender Policy Report]
A Stigma Power Perspective on Digital Government Service Avoidance
Florian Pethig and Julia Kroenung
Government Information Quarterly, 2021.
Specialized Information Systems for the Digitally Disadvantaged
Florian Pethig and Julia Kroenung
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2019.
Unexpected Monetary Incentives and User-Generated Content on Digital Platforms
Florian Pethig, Hartmut Hoehle, Kai-Lung Hui, and Andreas Lanz
Pre-Moderation in Online Communities: Evidence From a Natural Experiment
Florian Pethig
Analytics Dashboards and User Behavior: Evidence from GitHub
Jan Schilpp, Florian Pethig, and Hartmut Hoehle
[PDF] – [Online Appendix]